Research Proposal: Patient Satisfaction
Analysis and Evaluation
Patient care is often the primary objective of any health facility. Quality care
plays a significant role in patient recovery and satisfaction of both the
patient and care providers. Strategies and interventions put into play,
determine how high or low the scores of patient satisfaction in the medical
units. [VD1] Thorough
application of quality improvement processes analysis is critical in ensuring
that improvement in inpatient care is achieved (Marcinko and Hetico, 2011; MIT
Critical Data, 2016).[VD2]
dissatisfaction analysis and evaluation on service delivery in all medical
units that handle pain management will be discussed in this project. [VD3] This
will be through the collection of data from patients, using a scale and
tabulating the results for analysis in a particular time frame (Burns and
Groves, 2010). The medication used in each section will also be classified and analysed
for practical efficacy by relating the result to patient satisfaction (Eldin,
2011). The involvement of the care providers through the communication of
either the reasons for the choice of a particular procedure or medication, as
well as the desired side effect, will be considered and recorded in every unit
without disclosing personal details (Gkloulalas-Divanis & Loukides, 2013). Some of the
key terms used here include Analgesic classification- which is the class of
pain medication used, EMR (Electronic Medical Records) data-includes data
collected digitally by the care provider e.g., patient diagnosis,
prescriptions, and medical history.[VD4]
Users/ Personnel
involved in the project
main participants include a quality analysis and evaluation team. It consists
of nurses, members of the administration, doctors, and a data analyst hired on
a contract basis. The members of staff mentioned should not be from the units
where data is to be collected. A total of 20 people will carry out the project.
[VD5] The
involvement of a member of staff makes it cheaper and feasible. It also reduces
the time frame of conducting the project since they are familiar with the place
(Richesson et al., 2011).
Data Collection and Reports
to be Generated from the Data
project will involve collection of variable data[VD6]
and use graphical analysis using charts to generate reports. It will involve
getting data from EMR, having patients fill questionnaires, and having quality
improvement team interview patients who are unable to load questionnaires
(Gliklich et al., 2014; Kubben et al., 2019). The data will be collected in all
medical units for comparison, and the strategies used in the best performing
unit recommended for the universal application. A total of 100 patients will
take part in every unit. Four data sets will be collected in this project and
compared. The first class is where analgesic is used in each department. It
will further be stripped down to the specific molecule (or combinations) that
were used (Marcinko and Hetico, 2011). A report will be generated, indicating
the efficacy of the classes after comparison with the patient's feedback on the
degree of pain felt and managed.
[VD1]You may want to mention right at the top what the purpose of the
database proposal is.
[VD2]Nice use of a reference.
[VD3]Good goal.
[VD4]You may want to put these in a specific area.
[VD5]Do these users have to have any training? Credentials?
Are there any other individuals that will be utilizing the database?
You still may want to add an example of what each of the users will
do in your database and what their credentials will be to use it.
This will help to restrict access to the database.
[VD6]You will want to define each of the names
of your tables and define the attributes along with primary keys for each of
your 5 tables/entities. I notice that
you have some table names, but it also looks like you are listing attributes here
too. As you develop your week 2 assignment
this should become clearer.
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