Ronczkowski, M. R. (2011). Terrorism and organized hate crime: Intelligence gathering, analysis and investigations (3rd ed.).




  • Ronczkowski, M. R. (2011). Terrorism and organized hate crime: Intelligence gathering, analysis and investigations (3rd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press ISBN-13: 978-1439867594

Students will research and describe three terrorist organizations and, in a 10-12 page paper, will discuss and explain five intelligence profile components that relate to each terrorist organization. Based on this information, the paper will make a scholarly argument about whether or not the roles and responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security are sufficient and adequate to protect the United States’ critical infrastructure. The final paper must rely upon relevant facts and expert opinion, and must cite at least eight sources, such as peer-reviewed journal articles, scholarly books, web-sites, and resources available at the homeland security digital library at Use of a variety of sources is required.

  • Terrorist organizations to be profiled may be selected from those named in Appendix D on page 153 of the textbook.

  • Students are encouraged to use the course readings for this module as a primary reference; however, students may also use other peer reviewed sources. Students are required to cite and reference these works.  

  • Paper must be in APA format and must contain the following:

    • Title page that includes title of the position paper, the student's name, the student's address, and the name of the course. [Is not part of total page count.]

    • Table of contents indicating the pages on which each portion or section of the paper begins. [Is not part of total page count.]

    • An abstract of 25-50 words in length.

    • A statement of the problem identifying the topic discussed and the issues pertaining to your argument.

    • In the body of the paper students will defend their position by presenting several arguments to support the stand taken on the issue. This requires students to provide facts and information, present the case accurately, coherently, logically, consistently, and clearly with citations and references.

    • The paper must demonstrate student knowledge and understanding of the theories and concepts discussed in this course, and familiarity with various library and internet sources of homeland security literature.

    • A conclusion section that briefly summarizes the issues raised in the position paper, discusses recommendations and notes how the recommendations are supported by the information presented in the paper.

    • A reference section. [Is not part of total page count.] 


  • Your paper should be well developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts.

  • Your paper should be organized, coherent, and unified.

  • Your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

  • Be sure to document all contentions and “facts” mentioned in an academically acceptable manner. (See writing resources below)

  • Encyclopedias – especially Wikipedia – and dictionaries are unacceptable sources.

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