Select a news article dated within the previous two months and analyze the issue using the economic concepts and theory learned in this class. Include at least one graph developed in our course. Possible concepts include: taxes and consumer or producer su



Select a news article dated within the previous two months and analyze the issue using the economic concepts and theory learned in this class. Include at least one graph developed in our course. Possible concepts include: taxes and consumer or producer surplus demand, supply, and equilibrium price of a particular product elasticity on a particular product perfect competition and imperfect competition, such as monopolies labor market, wages, and income inequality poverty and public policy other topics must be pre-approved by the professor This report should be 3-5 pages double-spaced typewritten pages (without tables and graphs). Evaluation Rubric for the Term Paper ANALYSIS OF THE DATA, APPLICATION OF ECONOMIC CONCEPTS AND FORMULAS Completeness (10% of the paper grade) Incomplete in most respects, the paper is unworthy of credit Incomplete in most respects; does not reflect requirements Incomplete in many respects; reflects few requirements Complete in most respects; reflects most requirements Complete in all respects; reflects all requirements Understanding (20% of the paper grade) Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s), is unworthy of credit Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the topic(s) and issue(s) Analysis, evaluation, and recommendations (40% of the paper grade) The analysis, evaluation, and recommendations of the issues are unworthy of credit Presents an incomplete analysis of the issues identified. Makes little or no connection between the issues identified and the strategic concepts studied in the reading. Supports diagnosis and opinions with few reasons and little evidence; an argument is one-sided and not objective. Presents realistic or appropriate recommendations with little, if any, support from the information presented and concepts from the reading

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