Select a public health issue to research in order to complete a 12- to 15-page analysis for your Final Project. This week, you provide additional detail about the issue. According to the textbook, the five essential components of a policy analysis are: A



Select a public health issue to research in order to complete a 12- to 15-page analysis for your Final Project. This week, you provide additional detail about the issue. According to the textbook, the five essential components of a policy analysis are: A clearly articulated problem statement A background section that provides a factual overview of the problem being analyzed A landscape section that provides the context of the problem in terms of key stakeholders and factors An options section that provides three to five viable choices to resolve the problem A well-supported recommendation section that develops one of the options identified, describes future modifications that might be necessary, and explains potential implications of social change due to your recommendation (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2013, pp. 253–262) In this assignment, you submit an outline that organizes and briefly describes the content of your policy analysis. The outline must include all five essential components of a policy analysis; for more information, refer to Chapter 13 in the textbook. The assignment (2–3 pages) Outline key information you plan to include in your Final Project policy analysis research paper. Organize your outline into five sections that correspond with the five essential components of a policy analysis. Submit a page of references that includes at least five credible sources you plan to use, cited in APA style. Keep in mind that credible sources include governmental websites, policy journals, and professional health organization websites.

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