Social Media Initiatives



Question: Submit a network diagram of the logical sequence of ALL activities in your project. (Go to Microsoft Project and enter all of your activities (your WBS) into the software. Then enter all of your dependencies & time duration. Then "click" view, (you may have to click "more views) and you'll see "network diagram". Click this and you should see the network diagram for your project. Submit the MS Project file.

Project Overview:

Project Name: Social Media Initiatives

Project Sponsor: Marketing/Sales Director

Project Manager: Marketing Manager

Project Purpose:

Social media is emerging as a key factor in the online opportunities available for

sales, marketing, and customer service. Matrics need to develop an official social media

strategy to leverage these opportunities and achieve benefits in the following areas:

1. Marketing

  •  Improving brand image
  •  Increasing mind share
  •  Gaining customer insights

2. Sales

  • Increasing revenue
  • Acquiring customers
  •  Gaining customer insights

3. Customer Service

  • Increasing customer retention
  •  Increasing customer satisfaction
  •  Reducing the cost of sales

Consumers are rapidly adopting social media, yet the adoption of social media by organizations has

lagged. Matrics must follow customers, prospects, and partners into the social media world.

Extended public social media services, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, comprise

extensive networks of users who are self- organized into groups and communities. Users also join

groups and communities that are organized around attributes such as products, lifestyles,

entertainment, institutions, politics, and geographic locations. Customers will interact via social

media whether or not Matrics is participating, it can leverage the growth of social media to

increase customer engagement, gauge brand perception, and respond directly to customer service

issues. Matrics have an opportunity to bring benefits to sales, marketing, and service by engaging

customers in conversation in the social media sphere.

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