Solarcity Corporation assignment help



Step 1:  Create a double-spaced, 12-point font Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document.  The final

product cannot be longer than 16 pages in length, which includes all tables and matrices but excludes

the title page and reference page.  Those items identified in the technical analysis should appear under

the appropriate heading in the paper.  Do no use an Appendix.

Step 2:  Review assignment grading rubric.

Step 3:  Follow the following format using these topics as headings:

  •  Title page with title, your name, the course, the instructor’s name;
  •  Company Background/Information
  •  Internal Environmental Analysis
  •  Strategic Analysis & Strategy Selection
  •  Reference page

Students may use subheadings.

Step 4:  In writing the analysis, writing in the third person.  What this means is that there are no words

such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (the second person

writing).  If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this


Step 5:  In writing this assignment, students are asked to support the reasoning using in-text citations

and a reference list.  If information is taken from a source document, it has to be cited and referenced. 

A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. 

View the sample APA paper under Week 4 content and How to Cite and Reference, also under Week 4

content.  There are also resources located under Course Content>> Student Toolbox.

Step 6:  In writing this assignment, students are expected to paraphrase and not use direct quotes

unless citing the mission statement of a company.  Learn to paraphrase by reviewing this


Step 7: Read all course material for weeks 1 through 6 and perform independent research to provide a

comprehensive internal environmental analysis, strategy analysis, and selection.

Step 8:  Jot down key facts about the company.  Consider making an outline to capture key points in the


Step 9:  In your paper, respond to the following:

  •  Background analysis including vision and mission statements and objectives
  •  Internal Environmental Analysis
  •  Corporate Level Strategy
  •  Business Unit Level Strategy
  •  Functional Level Strategy

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