Solve quadratic equations by factorising and general quadratic formula.



Algebra – Test 2

This examination covers the following assessment criteria of the unit:

3.3. Transpose an equation.

3.4. Expand (a +x)n for n a positive integer.

4.1. Form and solve linear equations.

4.2. Solve quadratic equations by factorising and general quadratic formula.

4.3. Solve polynomial equations by iteration. 

The examination is set under the following conditions:

Date and time of examination 01/02/2021

Length 1:30 hours

Resources permitted or provided Permitted: Pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, scientific calculator

Provided: question and answer booklet

Resources not permitted Mobile phone and other electronic equipment

Learner declaration

By undertaking this examination and signing below, I confirm that:

I have complied with the conditions of the examination.

I have not brought into the exam any materials that would assist me in answering the exam, unless permitted under the conditions of the examination.

I will not remove the exam paper from the examination room at any point.

I will not have access to my mobile phone or other electronic device during the exam.  

I have not copied the work of my peers.

Learner name:

Signed by learner:


Allowances: (to be completed by tutor if any deviations from the stated exam conditions were permitted).

Instruction Files

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