Please assist to test the validity analysis using KMO and Bartlett's Test, reliability analysis and correlation based on the below. Attached is the result. RED Is the question related to awareness and YELLOW is question related to acceptance. Hypothesis 1: H0: The background of banks' consumers (e.g. education level, age, employment status) will not affect the awareness level of FinTech (answer fromcolumn AA, AS and AQ will help determine the awareness level of fintech) H0:
The background of banks' consumers (e.g. education level, age, employment status) will affect the awareness level of FinTech Can help test which independent variable affecting the awareness level of Fintech the most? Hypothesis 2: H0: The background of banks' consumers (e.g. education level, age, employment status) will not affect the acceptance level of FinTech ( answer from Column AC to AG) H0: The background of banks' consumers (e.g. education level, age, employment status) will affect the acceptance level of FinTech Awareness is the dependent Variable and Education level, age, employment status would be the independent Variable. Acceptance is the dependent variable and Education level, age, employment status would be the independent Variable
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