Some authorities propose that all law enforcement (e.g., police officers) and corrections officers (e.g. guards) should be required to have a four-year college degree in criminal justice



Some authorities propose that all law enforcement (e.g., police officers) and corrections officers (e.g. guards) should be required to have a four-year college degree in criminal justice. Others disagree and feel that the necessary skills and training can be obtained outside an academic environment and that individuals with liberal arts and other degrees may be qualified for criminal justice positions. Research and analyze the arguments both for and against the proposition. Provide and support your own recommendation concerning this issue. The content of your paper should be 2-3 pages and formatted per CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Support your analysis by referencing and citing at least three credible sources (one of which may include your course textbook). The CSU-Global Library is a good place to search for credible scholarly sources.

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