Statistics : accurate, correctly applied and appropriately justified with all the correct elements of the output used (and nothing more) where needed.

computer science


Report Marking Scheme:

The report will be marked out of 100 using the following marking scheme. 

Distinction (80 - 100): An excellent report. Easy to read and logically presented. 

Text : very clearly laid out and succinctly written with accurate and appropriate use of statistics in the text and references to all the figures and tables at appropriate points. Any references used are appropriate and accurate.

Statistics : accurate, correctly applied and appropriately justified with all the correct elements of the output used (and nothing more) where needed.

Figures and tables : striking, elegant and appropriate figures with very clear captions that are easy to understand as ‘stand-alone’ items. Excellent use of legends, axis labels, and other design elements. Tables are clearly arranged and appropriate with captions.

R code : working code to produce all statistics, figures and summaries used in the report. Excellent annotations within the code.

Distinction (70 - 79): Very good report. 

Text : well laid out and clearly written with effective use of statistics in the text and references to all the figures and tables. 

Statistics : correctly applied and appropriately justified with the correct elements of the output used where needed. May include some extra information that is not required.

Figures and tables : very clear figures with good captions that work as ‘stand-alone’ items. Clear consideration of the various design elements. Tables are clearly arranged and appropriate with captions.

R code : working code to produce all statistics, figures and summaries used in the report, although some extra tests may be included that are not used. Clear annotations within the code.

Merit (60 - 69): Good report. 

Text : format appropriate and clearly written with appropriate use of statistics in the text and references to all the figures and tables. May contain a few typing/formatting errors, but only a few. 

Statistics : nearly all statistics correctly applied and justified using the R output where needed. The may be some information missing or lots of extra information that is not required (e.g. complete default output from R).

Figures and tables : sufficient figures with captions that can be mostly understood as ‘stand-alone’ items. Maybe lots of default design elements or some inappropriate figure style. Tables clear enough to understand with the caption, but may have extraneous or missing information.

R code : mostly working code to produce all statistics, figures and summaries used in the report, although there may be some problems with running code. Could be R code for alternative tests and figure drawing included that are not used in the report. Some annotations within the code.

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