Stratasys Ltd Overview of the company



1. Overview of the company

  Brief history and Overview of the Industry/Products/Services/Operations - describe

significant or relevant operational structure

  Summary of Financials –growth and trends in revenue and stock price

i. Do not cut and paste charts here. Summarize the key financial issues or trends facing the


2. Competitive Advantages

o  Discuss the competitive advantages of the company.

o  Identify the potential competitors and briefly discuss their global business


i. Identify companies that have business activities similar (or related) to the

business opportunity you are proposing;

ii. Discuss the competitive advantages of these companies. Compare the

international business strategies of these companies

3. SWOT Analysis

Use a SWOT analysis to summarize and explain why the company needs to explore

investment in an economically emerging or developing country. For the SWOT analysis a side-

by-side comparison works well - especially since a full SWOT analysis is usually presented in

chart form.

4. Rational for move to an emerging economy.

Based on the SWOT, how can the company overcome a weakness, leverage strength

or opportunity by moving into an emerging market? Describe potential global

business strategies that could create competitive advantages for the company. 5. Cite your


You must research the company using at least five (5) properly cited references. The five

references must include at least one reference from each of the following three types of

sources: 1) general business press (Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Business Week,

Fortune, etc.), 2) trade publications related to your firm's industry (examples from a variety of

industries include Air Transport World, Automotive News, Bank News, Beverage Digest, Food

Service Monthly, Footwear News, Retail Week, Supermarket News, etc.), 3) marketing

publications (Advertising Age, Marketing News, Sales and Marketing Management, Tradeshow

Week, etc.)

  If you choose to cite information from the company's website, this is considered a

6th reference.

  Do not use Wikipedia or blogs as references in the paper, but you are welcome to

use them while searching for other references.

  Do not cut and paste whole sections of other's work in your paper! Read, analyze

and summarize the information.

  You must use APA reference and style format for full credit. For information on APA

format see online APA guide published by Purdue.

Papers not submitted in the correct D2L drop box by 11:59pm on the due date will get a

zero. Plan ahead and submit early to avoid unexpected problems at the last minute.

If the content of the paper is poorly developed or if the paper is poorly written,

referenced, punctuated and/or grammatical insufficient, it will be returned without a

passing grade. You will then have the option to re-write the paper but the highest grade

you can receive for the re- write is a C (you can receive less than a C). You will have five

days to submit the re-written paper. If the paper is still insufficient after the second

pass, you'll receive an F for the assignment.

If a paper has been plagiarized in any way, you'll receive no credit, no second chance.

Write for a business audience. You can certainly include personal opinions, but they

must be well-founded on good research supported by reliable empirical data. More

analytical, less promotional, language is preferred.

Make sure your name is on every piece of work submitted (for any course, not just this


The Company Briefing should be about 750 –1000 words, or 3-4 pages 12 pt font double

spaced counting only body of paper

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