Strategic Public Relations Plan



Write a strategic public relations plan for Alterra Property Group (or other real estate developer).

Strategic PR Project (Written):

You will write a strategic public relations plan for Alterra Property Group (or other real estate


The length of the final written plan should be 8-12 pages. All work is to be typed in 12-point

font, and double spaced. The most important part of this plan is your strategic analysis and

critical thinking. Explain why you made each decision. Incorporate textbook/lecture terms and

ideas from class to demonstrate your understanding. Include the sections listed below:

1. Situational Analysis

2. Objectives

3. Target audiences

4. Strategies

5. Activities

6. Management, staffing, administration, tracking, and evaluation

7. Budget

8. References

Situational Analysis: (2 pages) Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the client’s

needs, and build excitement and interest in the program that follows. Describe the reason the

program is being written, and raise all the issues the program is designed to answer. Explain

your product, how it is priced, and how people get it. Analyze what is going on with customers

in this market and competitors’ perceived strengths and benefits. Incorporate key

environmental trends such as the economy, technology, social and cultural. Do not try to solve

anything yet. Do not introduce new ideas. Just explain the landscape.

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