SMART (car) and smart logistics
A case study in designing and managing an innovative de-integrated supply chain
Prof. dr. Remko I. van Hoek, Cranfield School of Management, UK. University of Ghent, Belgium, and
Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Drs. Harm A.M. Weken, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Strategic Supply Chain and Operations Management
Read the SMART (car) and Smart Logistics case provided. A first, quick
reading will give you an understanding of how a start-up business was
designed with the supply chain in mind.
Read the 6 questions at the end of the case. Read the case again more
carefully with these questions in mind. Prepare a 10-20 page report, type-
written and double spaced, with an executive summary, describing the key
aspects of the case. You may either weave your answers into a discussion of
the case, or answer them sequentially after your executive summary section.
The case analysis represents 15 points of the course grade. Your report will
be due on February 11.
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