Structure your essay to provide a logical progression of the arguments that support your thesis.




Reflecting on what you have learned in the first half of this course (Units 1-8), write an exposition on Science. Begin by explaining what Science is and what it endeavors to achieve. Next, explain how Science works and in doing so consider how Science itself has evolved and been refined through its history. Finally, consider what Science is not by discussing its role in human understanding in consideration of its relationship with human philosophy and values.The Science 326 Midterm Evaluation is weighted as 35% of your final grade.

Expositions are to be between 3000 and 5000 words in length and use proper referencing and a standard essay style.

In writing your exposition be sure to:

o Provide a clear thesis statement.

o Structure your essay to provide a logical progression of the arguments that support your thesis.

o Provide evidence to support your arguments. This evidence can be drawn from areas of study that are of interest to you provided they are relevant and support your arguments.

o Cite all evidence and include in your bibliography.

o Please pay attention to grammar, spelling and punctuation

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