Students are required to complete a 10 page research paper at the end of the semester over a topic approved in advance by the instructor. Page requirement does NOT include title and reference page. APA formatting is required (see the Q&A section of the di



Students are required to complete a 10 page research paper at the end of the semester over a topic approved in advance by the instructor. Page requirement does NOT include title and reference page. APA formatting is required (see the Q&A section of the discussion board for APA formatting assistance). Any sources that are used must be cited in the paper and listed on the reference page. Only college level work is acceptable, (i.e., students must use proper grammar, spelling and content must be professional quality. You could choose a specific performance enhancing drug and use current data to do a complete analysis or you could do a paper on the progression of PED’s from past to present. Other ideas may include supplement uses in sport, or maybe even the importance of WADA and how they have affected the uses of PED’s among athletes.

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