Students have been allocated a unique cryptocurrency wallet and initial blockchain with a genesis block to use.

computer science


Students have been allocated a unique cryptocurrency wallet and initial blockchain with a genesis block to use.


{"srn":"160287587","name":"A FAHMEEDA BANU D/O ABDUL MALIK","wallet":{"privateKey":"307b020100301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d0301010461305f020101041890b41e2902c50609ff663b7358423748da2e3572b7ca1a60a00a06082a8648ce3d030101a13403320004d4792b6fd0d25ec0eefbf4e400a2dc034cc012a34dabb72f0139a3098d8ed61c8f841aae7837947de04f404fae9c12ab","publicKey":"3049301306072a8648ce3d020106082a8648ce3d03010103320004d4792b6fd0d25ec0eefbf4e400a2dc034cc012a34dabb72f0139a3098d8ed61c8f841aae7837947de04f404fae9c12ab","balance":100.0},"blockchain":


Introduction You may have noticed that recently there has been a considerable amount of attention and investment directed towards cryptocurrencies, blockchain and Bitcoin.


The general idea behind blockchain. • Cryptographic hash functions and security of SHA-256. • Merkle trees. • Proof-of-work algorithms.

• The original Bitcoin paper. • Hashcash.


Need to add a few blocks with a few transactions each to a simplified initial blockchain that you have been provided with, and submit the result in a specific format.


To solve this, you may find it necessary to write a program. You are welcome to use any programming language and you are welcome to use any third-party libraries available for SHA-256 and JSON. Libraries are available for most languages, including – and not limited to – Java, C/C++, Scala, Python, JavaScript. Please include key snippets of your code as an annex to your report.

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