Submit ONE .java file per question. Each .java file must contain ALL of the source code for a question. See the Programming Standards document for how to store several classes in the same file.

computer science



• Submit ONE .java file per question. Each .java file must contain ALL of the source code for a question. See the Programming Standards document for how to store several classes in the same file. 

• Each filename must have the format (e.g. Please use your name as shown in UM Learn. 

• Do not submit any output. Your code will be run during marking. 

• Your program must compile, run, and end normally (not crash or get stuck in an infinite loop) to receive any marks. See the Assignment Information file for some tips on how to make sure your code runs for the markers. 

• Assignments must follow the Programming Standards posted in UM Learn. 

• Assignment submissions are only accepted via UM Learn. Submissions by email will not be accepted. 

• You may submit your assignment multiple times, but only the most recent version will be marked. 

• Assignments become late immediately after the posted due date and time. Late assignments will be accepted up to 49 hours after that time, at a penalty of 2% per hour or portion thereof. After 49 hours, an assignment is worth 0 marks and will no longer be accepted. 

• The time of the last submission controls the late penalty for the entire assignment. 

• These assignments are your chance to learn the material for the tests. Code your assignments independently. We use software to compare all submitted assignments to each other, and pursue academic dishonestly vigorously

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