Submit the completed assignment to Canvas. Your code must be general, that is, it must handle any data meeting these requirements. It cannot rely on features specific to this data unless specifically noted below.




Submit the completed assignment to Canvas. Your code must be general, that is, it must handle any data meeting these requirements. It cannot rely on features specific to this data unless   specifically noted below.

Part 1

You are asked to research a number of character manipulation operators and functions. The   result of this research will be a brief description of the use, results and limitations of each item on the list as well as at least one example of its use.

  1. length (the statement not the function)
  2. concatenation operator ||
  3. strip function
  4. substrn function
  5. lengthn function
  6. lengthc function
  7. upcase function
  8. countw function
  9. find function
  10. findw function

Example: Scan Function

The SCAN function returns the character string. It returns the word found at the position specified in the character string provided as input. A word is defined as a character string between two
delimiters. The default delimiter is a space. Multiple delimiters can be specified and are treated as a list of possible delimiters – so for instance specifying “-/” as the delimiter would treat both – and / as delimiters.

Suppose the contents of the variable text is
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”

scan(text,5,’ ‘) returns jumps the 5th word of the phrase

scan(text,-4,’ ‘) returns over the 4th word from the end of the phrase

More than one delimiter can be used:

Suppose textphonenum contains “ (555) 867-5309”

scan(textphonenum,-1,”-()”) returns 5309

Part 2


Please read and follow the instructions carefully.

v  Questions 1 and 2: Data is in a SAS file – statisticians_orig.sas7bdat

v  Question 3: Data is in raw data file – salaries.xlsx

1.      This question uses the SAS data file statisticians_orig.sas7bdat (this is already a SAS data file).

a.      Use the appropriate ODS statements to create a file in Adobe pdf format called     formatted.pdf containing only the output of the print procedure in part b.

b.      Using the print procedure, display each of the variables (number, name, text, born, died) with the style option in the var statement to display each variable in a different background color. Make sure the foreground color is visible against the background color. You may have more than one var statement in the same print procedure step. For help with selecting SAS colors, visit this website.

v  Hint: var first / style=[background=purple foreground=white];

2.      This question also uses the SAS data file statisticians_orig.sas7bdat (this is already a SAS data file). For each of parts a through I, write SAS statements to create a new SAS data set called statisticians and adding the following variables using the specified variable names. Be sure to precede each part of the data step with a comment giving the part name e.g., 5d, and a brief description of the task.

a.      The first name of the statistician. Call it first with a length of 25.

b.      The last name of the statistician (the last word in the name) Call it last with a length of 25. Note that some the statisticians have two names, some three and some four. This should be the second if there are two, the third if there are three and the fourth if there are four, etc.

c.          Using the variables first and last as computed above, compute the statistician's name in the form first, one space, last. Call it newfull and assign an                appropriate length. Use the strip function to take care of leading and trailing blanks when defining this variable.

d.    Using the variables first and last as computed above, compute the statistician's name in the form last, a comma, one space, first. Call it lastfirst and assign an        appropriate length. Ensure that there are no leading or trailing blanks in this          variable.

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