Suppose that a newly formed private security agency contracts with you to develop a pre-employment assessment protocol for screening applicants for the position of security guard. Describe the assessment process and test battery you would recommend for us



Suppose that a newly formed private security agency contracts with you to develop a pre-employment assessment protocol for screening applicants for the position of security guard. Describe the assessment process and test battery you would recommend for use by this agency. Use APA formatting in your response. Describe the process you would use to determine a battery of three standardized tests that meet the security agency's needs. Based on the security agency's needs you identified, give the name and category of each test you would choose. Discuss your rationale for selecting each test. Discuss how the standards presented in Chapter 12 of theStandards for Educational and Psychological Testingpertain to your choice of each test. Hint: Do a search on the general requirements for a security guard. Be sure the tests you choose are standardized for the characteristics of the population being tested.

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