Suppose the inverse demand is given by P = 300 – Q and that the constant marginal cost = c = $0.



Industrial Organization, Econ 4660-01

Assignment 1

Due October 1, 2019

1.      Suppose the inverse demand is given by P = 300 – Q and that the constant marginal cost =  c = $0.

a.       Show the monopolist will set the price to $150 per unit.

b.      Verify that the output of each of the Cournot duopolists will be 100.

c.       Verify that the price in Cournot duopoly will be set to $100 per unit.

d.      Show that in a Cournot model with 3 firms, the price will be set to $75 per unit.

e.       Verify that the total industry output in Stackelberg’s model (i.e., the leader’s output + the follower’s output) will be 225, and that the price will end up being $75.


2. Suppose the inverse demand is given by P = 300 – Q and that the constant marginal cost = c = $0.

a. Assume that there is a monopoly downstream and two oligopolists upstream. Oligopolist i charges price ri, i = 1, 2. The customers pay $P per unit to the downstream firm. Show that profit-maximizing firms will set         r1 = r2 = 100, Q = 50, P = 250.

b. Assume that the two upstream firms merge. The new upstream firm charges $r per unit. Show that profit-maximizing firms will set r = 150, Q = 75, P = 225. 

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