Surface water pollution in the U.S

general article writing


The topic will be about "water pollution in the U.S"Publications J. Sci. Res. 8 (3), 413-425 (2016)

Surface Water Pollution around Dhaka Export Processing Zone and Its

Impacts on Surrounding Aquatic Environment

M. S. Islam1,2, A. Sultana 1,2, M. S. Sultana 2, M. Shammi 2, M. K. Uddin 2

1Department of Environmental Biology and Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research 1University of

Toyama, Gofuku 3190, Toyama 930–8555, Japan

2Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh

Received 21 May 2016, accepted in final revised form 3 July 2016


This study based on the physicochemical parameters was conducted to determine the pollution status in the aquatic environment

of Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ) area. A total of 5 water samples were collected on the basis of their distance from the

effluent outlet and were examined. Physicochemical parameters like color, temperature, pH, electric conductivity (EC), total

dissolved solid (TDS), total suspended solid (TSS), total hardness, total alkalinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen

demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were measured via standard determination method. Physicochemical

analyses revealed that most of the water quality parameters exceeded the recommended levels set by the Department of

Environment (DoE), Bangladesh. The concentrations were found decreasing with increasing distance from the effluent outlet. A

very strong positive correlation was found between BOD and COD in all sampling points. Both BOD and COD values had a

strong negative correlation with dissolved oxygen (DO). The results indicated that the surrounding aquatic environment is

exceedingly contaminated by various pollutants released from DEPZ which is highly vulnerable for the species on that


Keywords: Industrial effluents; Surface water quality; DEPZ Industrial area; Water pollution; ETP.

© 2016 JSR Publications. ISSN: 2070-0237 (Print); 2070-0245 (Online). All rights reserved. doi: J. Sci.

Res. 8 (3), 413-425 (2016)

1. Introduction

The surface water quality of a region is determined by the local topography, hydrology and hydrogeology in the

catchment area, along with climatic factors and anthropogenic influences [1,2]. Surface water has the highest

susceptibility to pollution because of waste and wastewater accessibility [3]. In most of the cases, the rivers are the

main choices to hold and bear the responsibility of pollutants, especially in the developing countries [4]. In

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414 Surface Water Pollution

recent years, the river systems in Bangladesh have become more polluted as a consequence of rapid population

growth, uncontrolled development on the riverbanks, urbanization, unplanned industrialization and agricultural

operations [5]. Industries are prime polluters because they utilize a huge amount of water and release untreated

wastewater throughout the production cycle of a product. Newly booming processing industries such as tanneries,

steel plants, battery producers, engineering and textiles also contribute to this problem [5]. The careless disposal of

untreated wastewater and solid waste to the water system significantly contributes to the poor quality of the water.

The polluted water becomes a threat to public health, livestock, wildlife, fish and other biodiversity. These

pollutants have potential to retard the growth and aquatic flora and fauna [6].

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