Synthesizing Essay assignment



or your essay, you are to write a synthesizing essay.

please compose an essay in which you synthesize material from at least three of the five works you were required to read:

  1. Michele Serros: “Senior Picture Day”
  2. Judith Ortiz Cofer: “I Fell in Love, or My Hormones Awakened”
  3. ZZ Packer: “Brownies” 
  4. T. Coraghessan Boyle: “Greasy Lake” 
  5. Amy Tan: “Two Kinds” 

 in order to arrive at as original an interpretation or analysis as you can of the topic of growing up and growing older. Start by forgetting all you think you know about growing up and let yourself be surprised by what you rediscover about growing up through analyzing at least three of the works we’ve studied for the past two weeks. Are there common stages in the process of growing up? Is there one best way to grow up? What new insights into growing up can be gained by comparing the experience of parents and children? What useful advice for parents can be derived from analyzing these literary works? What useful advice for children can be derived from analyzing these literary works?

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