System Identification: LTI systems are useful in modeling numerous physical processes.



2. [50] System Identification: LTI systems are useful in modeling numerous physical

processes. In many cases, the model or the impulse response of the LTI system can be

deduced from external observations. Such observations might include measuring the

response to a known input x(nJ. Using the convolution property of Fourier transform, one

can solve for the impulse response. Since H(w) =  hin] can be obtained using the

inverse Fourier transform.

a. (4) Suppose that the response of a particular LTI system to the input

xml = (ý’ un were yin] = ujnj + uInl. Store in x and y the values

of x[nJ and y[nJ on the interval O  n  N — 1, where N = 64. Plot these signals using

stem to show that the signals are essentially equal to zero outside this interval.

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