Task: Implement Dijkstra’s algorithm. Number the vertices from 1 to n (Suppose G has n vertices) Adjacent lists G: (i) define an array Adj of n nodes, where Adj[i] leads a linked list that saves the neighbors of vertex i. (ii) Each node in linked list Adj

computer science


Task: Implement Dijkstra’s algorithm. Number the vertices from 1 to n (Suppose G has n vertices) Adjacent lists G: (i) define an array Adj of n nodes, where Adj[i] leads a linked list that saves the neighbors of vertex i. (ii) Each node in linked list Adj[i] contains (a) a neighbor (say j) of i, (b) the weight that i with the neighbor (say w(i,j)) and (c) the link to the next node. Priority queue Q: there are n items (one item for each vertex) in Q, where the item for vertex i contains p[i] and d[i], and d[i] is used as key for Q. Structure of the implementation method: dijkstra(G, w, s) which return p main method main() { input the graph in Input Graph G=(V,E) Weight w(u,v) for each edge (u,v) Adjacent list Adj[v] for each vertex v create adjacent lists of G, assign value to w, assign value to s call Dijkstra(G,w,s) print path of s to each vertex using p Requirements A priority queue Q is used for the unprocessed vertices Analyze the time complexity of your implementation using O-notation. Note that the time complexity also depends on the data structures you used in the implementation. Use C# for implementation Grading: 150 Points implemented by min-heap Submission Project description, Algorithm, Algorithm analysis, Description of your implementation including the data structures you use. Experiment output. Code. The output Correctly.

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