Te business communication about Pecha Kucha Memo.



This is Business Communication course about Pecha Kucha Memo assignment.

Prepare a memo in a maximum of three pages of content that are single-spaced

with paragraph headings. Do not indent. The memo should have four references

which are included within the document (quotes) and listed on page three.

Regardless of referencing style, single space the references. The purpose of the

memo is for the team to research and write a report on a new method of presenting

oral presentations “Pecha Kucha”. This assignment will be done in teams of 2.

Describe the concept, uses, benefits, drawbacks, which types of presentations

would be most useful/least useful and anything else you deem important.

The memo style should be used. The memo should be in complete sentences,

double-spaced in between paragraphs, and NO typographical, grammatical or word

usage errors (i.e., proofread please!!). Upload the memo using your footer as your

file name. Second and third page heading needed. See rubric for criteria. Below

are the following teams

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