Turning a Parenthesized Expression into a Tree
The algorithm below
shows how to turn an expression with symbols, parentheses, and commas into the
corresponding tree. For instance, we want to take as input the string
and output the tree
| |
| |->Adj--->pretty
| |
| |->Noun--->flowers
This is similar to the
algorithm for turning a prefix expression into a tree, except that, in a prefix
expression, each operator has a fixed number of arguments; in a parenthesized
expression, a node can have an arbitrary number of children.
We'll use two
functions extractSymbol(s,k) and extractExpression(s,k). They both take two arguments: s is a string,
and k is an index in s where the function starts
reading. They both return two values. Function extractSymbol returns
the first complete symbol starting at S[K] and the index following that symbol.
Function extractExpression returns the first complete expression
starting at S[K] and the index following that symbol.
The pseudo-code, in a
sort of pseudo-Java that allows multiple returned values, follows below. (This
does not check for all possible input errors, e.g. unbalanced expressions.)
class Tree {
String root;
[String, int] extractSymbol(String s, int k) {
while (whiteSpace(s[k])
k++; % Skip white space
if (s[k] == '(' || s[k]
== ',' || s[k] == ')')
return ((String)
s[k], k+1);
if (! alphabetical(s[k])
error("Invalid input at index " + k);
% Otherwise, read an alphabetical symbol starting at s[k]
String m = "";
while (alphabetical(s[k]))
m = m+s[k];
return (m,k);
} % end extractSymbol
[Tree, int] extractExpression(String s, int k) {
[String m, int q] = extractSymbol(s,k);
(!(alphabeticalString(m))) error("Invalid input at index " + k)
Tree t = new
[String n, int
peek] = extractSymbol(s,q); % Peek at next symbol
(!n.equals("(") return (t,q);
q = peek; % Go past the open paren
repeat { % read the arguments
[Tree c, int q] =
t.addChild(c); % add c as a child of t
[n,q] =
(n.equals(")") % reached balancing
close paren
return (t,q);
(!n.equals(",")) error("Invalid input at index " + q)
% if the
next symbol is a comma, then just continue the loop
} %end repeat
} %end extractExpression.
Example: Let s be the string
"S(NP(Pron(I)),VP(Verb(fish)))". In the trace below "eE"
means "extractExpression " and "eS" means
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