The algorithm below shows how to turn an expression with symbols, parentheses, and commas into the corresponding tree.

computer science


Turning a Parenthesized Expression into a Tree

The algorithm below shows how to turn an expression with symbols, parentheses, and commas into the corresponding tree. For instance, we want to take as input the string

S(NP(Name(Amy)),VP(Verb(gave),NP(Det(the),Adj(pretty),Noun(flowers)), PP(Prep(to),NP(Det(the),Adj(small),Noun(boy)))))

and output the tree






        |     |

        |     |->Adj--->pretty

        |     |

        |     |->Noun--->flowers









This is similar to the algorithm for turning a prefix expression into a tree, except that, in a prefix expression, each operator has a fixed number of arguments; in a parenthesized expression, a node can have an arbitrary number of children.

We'll use two functions extractSymbol(s,k) and extractExpression(s,k). They both take two arguments: s is a string, and k is an index in s where the function starts reading. They both return two values. Function extractSymbol returns the first complete symbol starting at S[K] and the index following that symbol. Function extractExpression returns the first complete expression starting at S[K] and the index following that symbol.

The pseudo-code, in a sort of pseudo-Java that allows multiple returned values, follows below. (This does not check for all possible input errors, e.g. unbalanced expressions.)

class Tree {

     String root;

     List<Tree> children;



[String, int] extractSymbol(String s, int k) {

    while (whiteSpace(s[k]) k++;   % Skip white space

    if (s[k] == '(' || s[k] == ',' || s[k] == ')')

        return ((String) s[k], k+1);

    if (! alphabetical(s[k]) error("Invalid input at index " + k);

% Otherwise, read an alphabetical symbol starting at s[k]

    String m = "";

    while (alphabetical(s[k])) {

         m = m+s[k];



    return (m,k);

} % end extractSymbol


[Tree, int] extractExpression(String s, int k) {

     [String m, int q]  = extractSymbol(s,k);

     if (!(alphabeticalString(m))) error("Invalid input at index " + k)

     Tree t = new Tree(m,emptyList());

     [String n, int peek]  = extractSymbol(s,q);  % Peek at next symbol

     if (!n.equals("(") return (t,q);

     q = peek;                              % Go past the open paren

     repeat {  % read the arguments

         [Tree c, int q] = extractExpression(s,q);

         t.addChild(c);        % add c as a child of t

         [n,q] = extractSymbol(s,q);

         if (n.equals(")")   % reached balancing close paren

            return (t,q);

         if (!n.equals(",")) error("Invalid input at index " + q)

                 % if the next symbol is a comma, then just continue the loop

        }  %end repeat

} %end extractExpression.

Example: Let s be the string "S(NP(Pron(I)),VP(Verb(fish)))". In the trace below "eE" means "extractExpression " and "eS" means "extractSymbol".



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