The assignment goal is to develop a program in Java that computes your most regular monthly expenses.

computer science


The assignment is organized according to the following sections: (A) Objective, (B) Description, (C) Evaluation, and (D) Submission.

A. Objective 

The assignment goal is to develop a program in Java that computes your most regular monthly expenses. 

B. Description 

The program should include 2 classes, and, inside a package called expenses.

B.1 Expense Class Implement Expense class inside a package called expenses that contains: 

• A private String data field serviceType, e.g. “Electricity”, “Gas”, etc. 

• A private String data field billDate, e.g. “Jan 4 2021”. 

• A private double (or Double) data field billAmount, e.g. 25.00. 

• A private String data field dueDate, e.g. “Jan 30 2021”. 

• A private String data field paymentDate ,e.g. “Jan 20 2021”. 

• A private String data field paymentForm, e.g. “Credit Card”, “Check”, etc. 

• A private String data field paymentRefNumber, e.g. “123456”, etc. (Do not use your real reference information. The number may be composed of year, month, day, and any additional number, e.g. “20210101-9”) 

• A private double (or Double) data field named paymentAmount, e.g. 10.00. 

• A private double (or Double) data field named balanceAmount, computing the difference between the billAmount and the paymentAmount for the expense. 

• Methods that set and return the values for each variable. Note that for balanceAmount there should only be a “get” method, and not a “set” method. 

• A constructor method receiving all the arguments required to create each expense. 

• A print method printing the values of all variables in the class.

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