The “boy scouts of America” is the largest scouting organization of America and also known as one of the largest youth organizations.




         The “boy scouts of America” is the largest scouting organization of America and also known as one of the largest youth organizations. The organization provides their services to make the youth responsible and well-disciplined citizens, enhance their character and behavior development and improve their self-sufficiency through outdoor activities. Students can get lots of benefits in participating in the services of Boy Scouts organization. The organization provides them to try new things in their life by providing their services in social welfare, building self-confidence and strengthening their moral standards (scouting, 2017).

        The boy scouts face some of the challenges like the communication gap between them and their parents. Some of the scouts also involved in the services to their fundraising. To make their parents understand their participation as a boy scout. Many of the chartered organization's partners with the “boy scouts of America.” Other organizations such as service clubs, churches, and community groups partner with the boy scouts of America. Some of the social clubs and groups like “Kiwanis clubs” and “Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.” also partner with the organization for the implementation of an educational collaboration with the program to enhance and empower the youth (kiwanis, n.d.).

Community Partnerships

In 2016 USA Archery announced its partnership with the “boy scouts of America”. This partnership benefits the nation as well the organization in many ways. It will increase the motivation among the youth to participate in the archery sport. Boy scouts of America also partnered with school and university to benefit the students in learning Life curriculum changes from behavior to career education lesson plan topics. The Boy Scouts of America failed to maintain its partnership with the “LDS and Catholic church” because of some bad decisions. Also the “Murfreesboro church” ends a partnership with the organization when they allow the gay scouts in their organization. The organization should allow the girl's scouts to take part in the organization. Also, the organization should encourage the involvement of girls in this program (scouting, 2016).


       Every volunteer has a specific function in the organization. They have something valuable to give to the organization. The volunteer staff is in charge of on-time contract reestablishments, unit administration, and month to month roundtables in the locale and offer initiative to enlisting, preparing, and supervision of a great staff. The benefits of volunteers for the organization are vast. Volunteers invest a lot of energy to guarantee the accomplishment of Scouting in their groups. The normal Scout volunteer gives 20 hours of administration every month, and 96 percent of volunteers say they would prescribe volunteering for the BSA to different grown-ups (Jordan, 2016).

       Volunteering and performing service learning have not many differences among them. The service learning is free from time-bound, and they can invest their hours in the services as per their desire. On the other hand, volunteers need to involve with the program on a permanent basis or for long-term projects. Sometimes the volunteers required to give their 20 hours in a month for the BSA. A service project has not restricted hours, and they work for the unit sponsored projects. While volunteers have sometimes need to play the role of leaders to guide the young students enrolled in the program. The benefits of service learnings at the BSA are that they create better citizens, good leaders, players, better employees. They also help to increase the patience and tolerance power in a student and make them able to think new ideas and opinions towards social welfare (scouting, 2017)

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