The civilizations of the ancient Egyptians, ancient Greeks, and ancient Romans each had different conventions regarding the representation of the human form.



The civilizations of the ancient Egyptians, ancient Greeks, and ancient Romans each had different conventions regarding the representation of the human form. This assignment requires you to choose one example each from any two of these ancient civilizations (for example, one example from the ancient Greeks and one example from the ancient Romans), and compare and contrast their representation of the human form. As such, your assignment will address two examples in total. In order to learn more about the examples you have chosen, you are required to conduct some research (see section below titled “Research and Resources”).

Assignment guidelines

Clearly identify the two examples you have chosen (i.e., title, art era, size, medium (i.e., marble, stones etc.), and subject matter) and include an image of each.

Describe how they are representative of their respective civilizations (i.e., focus on the conventions regarding the representation of the human form).

Compare and contrast your two examples (i.e., at the level of meaning). 

Briefly discuss the contribution each has made to the history of art.

The discussion must be in your own words and should not include any quotations longer than a few words in length. You must include a minimum of three citations in your discussion (in order to demonstrate your research) and an APA formatted reference list at the end (before starting your research, see the section below titled “Research and Resources”).

Submit your assignment to the associated drop-box folder by the date specified in the learning plan. Please note that any work forwarded by email will not be graded. Before you submit, make sure that your works adheres to the grading criteria detailed below. Any submission that does not address the assignment guidelines will receive a grade of zero.

Grading Criteria: (100 marks)

Inclusion of APA formatted title page (5 marks)

Identification of two examples and inclusion of two embedded images (10 marks)

Formatting (Word document, size 12 font, Times New Roman, double-spaced) (5 marks)

Engagement with assignment questions 2, 3 and 4 (minimum of 500 words) (50 marks)

Inclusion of citations/ references in APA format (15 marks)

Spelling and grammar (15 marks)

Research and Finding Sources: Important: You should use your textbook for information and at least one external resource (but no more than three). Please note that any other external source has to be a legitimate academic or artistic resource (e.g. art textbooks, art gallery websites). You are not to use Wikipedia, blogs, or commercial or tourism and/or random websites for your information (although Wikipedia is good for finding images). As such, be sure to choose your source material carefully. All information sources drawn upon must be credited at the very end of your assignment. If you are not sure about a source, feel free to get in touch and I will let you know.

Using APA to cite and reference your sources:

You are encouraged to make use of the resources available through the library, particularly when using APA to cite and reference your source material. A very useful guide can be accessed through the library at the following link (you may need to download this document before you can access the link): 

Instruction Files

Related Questions in history category

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