The company LemOra has a long tradition in the production and sale of lemonade and so far the clas- sic varieties orange and lemon have been on offer.



2000 words (term paper with references)



The company LemOra has a long tradition in the production and sale of lemonade and so far the clas- sic varieties orange and lemon have been on offer. The company is doing well economically. The managing director, Michael Fruity, is a visionary and wants to ensure a positive development of LemOra in the long run. Inspired by his last business trip to Asia, he came up with the idea of launch- ing a new product - a mixed drink made from the classic lemonade and roasted pieces of coconut and coconut juice. He is so enthusiastic about the idea that he calls in his marketing manager Martha Ad and commissions her to tackle the new product development. Martha Ad quickly realizes that a comprehensive market research project is needed as part of the product development process.

As a marketing expert, Marta Ad knows that the attitudes a consumer has towards a product or brand can be used to draw conclusions about the intention to buy. In the questionnaire, the test persons were asked, among other things, to state their attitudes towards mixed drinks.

Martha Ad would also like to take a closer look at attitudes towards brands in general. In the ques- tionnaire, a total of 10 items were used to operationalize this construct that is central to marketing research. These items cover different aspects of content.

Martha Ad would also like to know what factors influence consumer attitudes towards mixed drinks. She can think of a number of possible influencing factors, ranging from personality traits such as so- ciability and innovativeness to consumer-specific characteristics such as brand, price and quality awareness.

Create a results report based on the analyses! Note the following points:

§  You must comment on each analysis.

Exception 1: of the three factor analyses, please comment only on the alternative that you prefer to the other two.


Exception 2: of the two regression analyses, please comment only on the alternative that you prefer.

§  The start of a (new) analysis is easy to recognize by the syntax.

§  Explicitly address the prerequisites in your comments. If any prerequisites are not met, do not interpret the analysis in question. Explicitly point out which prerequisites are not met. If the output does not contain information that you need to check a prerequisite, assume that the value/issue in question is not critical.

§  In each case, explicitly specify the null hypothesis that you are testing.

§  Assume alpha = 5% for each hypothesis test.

§  Use an appropriate diction.

§  Address methodological questions to an appropriate extent and discuss critically conceivable alternatives if necessary!

§  The variable Mix was measured on a scale ranging from -3 (= reject outright) to +3 (= whole- heartedly agree).

§  All analyses are based on the same data set.


Supplementary materials for PART C: SPSS output



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