the correct wording for this question is use your personal media inventory to help you describe

social sciences


the correct wording for this question is! use your personal media inventory to help you describe and explain to an alien who has never visited our planet and how humans generally use media. Personal media inventory essay and worksheet. Instructions: using this personal media inventory worksheet (also attached), compiled an inventory of all of the media (radio, print, TV, internet, cell phones, movies, etc.) to which you are exposed from the time you wake to the time you go to sleep for two consecutive days. compose an essay of 750-1,050 words that addresses at least the following: use your personal media inventory to help you describe and explain to an alien who has visited our planet how humans generally use media. analyze and explain what your inventory communicates about your media dependency analyze and explain what your inventory communicates about media ecology to analyze and explain what the media technologies in your inventory demonstrates about media convergence. analyze and interpret how the technologies in your inventory have affected your sense of self and social life. interpret and hypothesize what you think your media use suggest about media ubiquity and it's effect on American society. Consult at least four authoritative sources for the mass communications concept that you discuss, and make sure their in-text citations and end-of-text references reflect APA rules

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