1. Become familiar with market basket analysis using XLMiner.
Understand how to interpret the results from
classification for decision-making.
Task 1:
Implement market basket analysis
Note: Please do not
just mechanically run XLMiner, but make a sincere effort to understand what the
results mean. The grading of this exercise will depend more on your discussion
of the results, rather than the results themselves.
Case: Catalog Cross Selling at Exeter, Inc.
Exeter, Inc. is a catalog firm that sells products
through a number of different catalogs.
The catalogs fall into eight basic categories: (1) Clothing, (2)
Housewares, (3) Automotive, (4) Personal Electronics, (5) Computers, (6)
Garden, (7) Novelty Gift, (8) Jewelry.
The costs of printing and distributing catalogs are
significant. A serious problem is the cost of promoting products to people who
may not wish to buy those products. Therefore, Exeter wants to take every
opportunity to use them effectively. One such opportunity is in cross selling –
once a customer has “taken the bait” and purchased a product, try to sell
him/her another while you have his/her attention.
Such cross promotion might take the form of enclosing one
or more catalogs in the shipment of a purchased product—or mailing them
separately to someone who has purchased a product recently—in order to induce a
new purchase from those catalogs. However, which catalogs should be sent?
Exeter would like it to be an informed choice—sending a catalog that has a
higher probability of inducing a purchase than simply choosing a catalog at
Your task:
Step 1. Download CatalogCrossSell.xlsx from Canvas. Each row of the
“Data” worksheet represents a customer’s recent purchase activity—“1” indicates
a purchase of the specific catalog and “0” indicates no purchase on the
Step 2. Go to Association Rules in XLMiner (Data Mining Tab)
Step 3: Specify the appropriate data range (choose all the rows
and the appropriate columns). Check
“First row contains headers,” and select “Data in binary matrix format.” Set
the parameters as 20 transactions for minimum support and 50 for minimum
confidence. Click OK.
Step 4: Based on the output, answer the following questions in
(1) For Rule #1, explain how “Conf%” is calculated. What
is the interpretation of value? (5 pts)
(2) For Rule #1, explain how “Lift Ratio” is calculated.
What is the interpretation of this value? (5
(3) From the association rules that you have generated,
identify the top rule you’d like to follow for your cross-selling campaign.
Provide the rationale and interpret the rules in plain English. (10 pts)
(4) If you can only promote your sales on one catalog: (10 pts)
a) Which catalog would you like to promote and why, if a
customer has already bought personal electronics?
b) Which catalog would you like to promote and why, if a
customer has already bought novelty gift?
(5) Extra Credit: Suppose you want to promote your sales
on housewares. If you can only send the catalog to one group of customers, which
of the following would you send, and why? (10
a) Customers who have just bought jewelry and personal electronics;
b) Customers who have just bought novelty gift and personal electronics;
c) Customers who have just bought novelty gift.
Task 2: Understand the output of classification
Case: Boston Housing
Download Boston_Housing.xlsx from canvas.
Suppose you have collected data on 11 factors as listed
below for 506 housing units in Boston’s neighborhoods. For each of these 506
housing units, you already knew whether it belongs to high value or low value
category (as indicated in column “CAT.MEDV” below).
CRIM: per capita crime rate
by town |
proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq. ft. |
CHAS: Charles River dummy
variable (1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise) |
NOX: nitric
oxides concentration (parts per 10 million) |
AGE: proportion
of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940 |
DIS: weighted
distances to five Boston employment centers |
RAD: index of
accessibility to radial highways |
TAX: full-value
property-tax rate per $10,000 |
PTRATIO: pupil-teacher ratio by town |
1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of blacks by town |
CAT. MEDV: If the housing unit
belongs to high value (=1) or low value (=0) category |
(1) Use XLminer to produce a 3-level tree that predicts
whether a housing unit is high-value or low-value. (10 points)
a) Include a picture of this tree in your answer sheet
b) Based on this tree, what properties of a house make it
most likely that it will be high-value?
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