The daily amount your total stock holding in dollars.

computer science


    Suppose you owned 100 shares with no cash before October 24, 2019, and you bought 10 shares every day the price was below $193.50 and sold 10 shares every day the price was above $195.00. For each transaction (buying or selling shares) you will have to pay a flat commission fee of $10.00.  Use MATLAB to computer


    (a)    The daily amount your total stock holding in dollars.

    (b)    The daily amount your total cash in dollars.

    (c)    The total number of shares you own after the November 15, 2019.

    (d)    The net change in the worth (defined as sum of stock holding and cash) after November 15, 2019. 

    (e)    Use double Y-axis to plot the daily amount of worth (sum of stock holding and     cash) and unit stock price.


Q2) Use imagesc to plot data = magic(N); for N = 5:20. Arrange the 16 plots in a single figure window in a 4 by 4 grid, using handle graphs, not using subplot.

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