The data file London.csv is a set of observations on 1519 households drawn from the British Family Expenditure Surveys.



Case Study problem. 

The data file London.csv is a set of observations on 1519 households drawn from the British Family Expenditure Surveys. The data have been selected to include only households with one or two children living in Greater London. Self-employed and retired household were excluded. The data and variable definitions.

Data source: The data were used by Richard Blundell, Alan Duncan and Krishna Pendakur, "Semiparametric Estimation and Consumer Demand", Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 13, No. 5, 1998, pp. 435-462.

where ln(.) is the natural logarithm of the argument and 1 e and 2 e are random error terms to be estimated form the data to evaluate the properties of the estimates of the models. Estimate the model (1) and (2). Report the results on the household food consumption and transport expenditure shares of the residence of Greater London.

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