Important Instructions to Students:
• The data files for this assignment can be found in the Dropbox.
• Create a folder titled Assignment 1 in which to save all files for this assignment. By creating this folder, you will help prevent loss of files.
• Save your files as indicated in the assignment. As you work through each exercise, save regularly.
• For all exercises, bold row headings and bold and center column headings. Ensure all data is clearly visible.
• Where appropriate, apply the Accounting number format.
• Before submitting your six (6) files, check your work carefully for errors
Exercise #1 (5%)
Open a new workbook and save it as Yourlastname Yourfirstname 1 Homework Plan in the Assignment 1
1. Create a worksheet based on the table given below, which indicates hours of study for each
course throughout the week.
2. Enter formulas to calculate the Total Study Time for the last column.
3. Format the worksheet by following the instructions on page 1.
4. Save your file.
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