The data is not seasonally adjusted, and may exhibit “day of the week” seasonality. The first three columns of the file contain the Week indicator, Day in Week indicator, and calendar date respectively.





This assessment requires that you extract the appropriate data from the  csv file:




            The file contains FOUR columns headed Week, Day in Week, Date and Daily  respectively.


            The last column, Daily,  contains the time series itself.


            The data are  daily admissions to hospital in the UK of Covid-19 patients. The data run from March 3, 2020 to November 26, 2020.


            The data is not seasonally adjusted, and may exhibit “day of the week” seasonality.  The first three columns of the file contain the Week indicator, Day in Week indicator, and calendar date respectively.


The data you will be working work with is the period relating to the second wave of the pandemic in the UK.


·         You have to complete the steps in part A of the assessment. This  requires you to fit three models to  time series data, produce forecasts,  accuracy measures and other statistics as instructed.


·         All numerical answers should usually be reported to 3 decimal places.
Small numbers should be  in exponential form (e.g. 1.13e-5 for 0.0000113)


1.       This assessment must be  completed using the R functions solely available in the libraries: forecast, AER, their dependencies,  and the base distribution.

2.       No other libraries are needed, and no others are allowed for the analysis, however, other libraries for data input and presentation are permitted.

3.       Some questions may recommend the function to be used. Details of function use can be found using the R help system, and elsewhere.



·        Please retain the font sizes in the tables  to ensure they remain on the page.


  • Mark Scheme: Qs 1-4,6 are out of 10, Qs 5,8,9 out of 12, Q7 out of 14.


  • No graphical output is required. Please do not include any graphs in part B.


  • Parts B and C must contain text only. No pictures or screenshots.




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