The doc file is a friend dissertation. It is a sample of what i am trying to do. As the matter of fact i am doing the exact samething but with a different dataset.

computer science


THIS IS A MATLAB WORK.  The doc file is a friend dissertation. It is a sample of what i am trying to do. As the matter of fact i am doing the exact samething but with a different dataset. However, all i want is the result. So please look at the expiremental result of the sample to understand what i am doing. 

In the sample, the researcher calculated the ERR of each  activity (“Activity 1 : sitting” “Activity 2: standing”  “Activity 3: Walking on a flat platform” “ Activity 4:  walking down a staircase”) performed by 30 participant  using different layers of  network size (5,10,15, 20) of the nueral network for 7 sensors


Similarly. Like I said, I am doing the exact samething but with  a different dataset. I am calculating the ERR of each activity  (walk downstairs, walk upstairs, sit, stand and jogging) performed by 24 participants using different network size (5,10,15,20,25) of the neural network for 3 sensors (motion sensors, accelerometer and gyroscope).

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