The elastic-plastic contact of spheres under combined normal and tangential loading is a fundamental problem in contact mechanics. It is applicable, for example, in particle handling @1#, or friction between contacting rough surfaces @2#. It can be found in a variety of technologies, both new and traditional as described by Tichy and Meyer @3#. Indeed, the number of works on spherical contact under steady state sliding ~see reviews by Bhushan @4# and by Adams and Nosonovsky @5#! and under static or rolling conditions ~see review by Johnson @6#! that were published so far is impressive. Issues such as normal frictional loading, tangential loading and sliding inception of contacting elastic bodies are well described @7#. However, in spite of their elastic-plastic nature, the mathematical complexity involved with these frictional contact problems @8# restricted their solutions to mostly linear elasticity. Combined loading begins with a normal component that produces the contact area, which can then support an added tangential component and, hence, should be treated as a frictional contact problem.
Frictional normal loading of elastic spheres differs from the
classical frictionless contact problem of the Hertz theory ~e.g., @9#!
and was treated by several researchers, @10–13#. However, when
the contacting sphere materials have the same elastic constants ~or
are incompressible! the mutual contact pressure produces identical
tangential displacements that eliminate any tendency of interfacial
slip. Hence, no shear stress is developed in the interface and the
Hertz theory is still valid. Johnson @6# concluded that even with
dissimilar realistic materials the local shear traction is an order of
magnitude smaller than the corresponding local contact pressure
and, hence, may be neglected ~except for brittle materials!.
Historically, the treatment of combined loading of spherical
contact started with the pioneering works by Mindlin @14# and
Mindlin and Deresiewicz @15# ~in fact an earlier paper from 1938
in Italian is due to Cattaneo, see @7#!. They showed that the contact of two spheres under combined loading consists of a central
stick region surrounded by a slip zone. As the tangential force
increases, the size of the stick region gradually vanishes until full
sliding begins when the Coulomb friction law is satisfied. The
normal loading was assumed to be frictionless and the resulting contact area and contact pressure distribution remained these of
the Hertz theory, even when the tangential force was added.
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