The End-of-Semester test comprises three essay questions based on content drawn from the prescribed text. Students are required to draw directly on content from the prescribed text, and as such, this is an open-book test.



Format: The End-of-Semester test comprises three essay questions based on content drawn from the prescribed text. Students are required to draw directly on content from the prescribed text, and as such, this is an open-book test. This Test is also an individual assessment task, and so to ensure its integrity, students will need to submit the Test via Turnitin as evidence that no collaboration has occurred.

Description: Each of the three questions that follow use the Language Translator from Assessment Task 2 as their context. Students are required to answer all 3 questions:

  1. Imagine that your Marketing Strategy is going to revolve around Digital Marketing. Drawing on ideas inspired from pages 37-53 of your prescribed textbook, provide a Digital Marketing strategy for your Language Translator (approximately 1000 words). This question is worth 20 of the 50 marks on offer.
  2. Using Table 3.1 of your prescribed textbook (page 85) to help inspire your ideas, what specific actions can you take to make your Language Translator more Corporate Socially Responsible in regards to its product, price, place and promotion strategies? (approximately 500 words). This question is worth 10 of the 50 marks on offer.
  3. Come up with a Marketing Research plan that will help you steal market share from your rival competitor, Muama Enence. If this is to happen, what is the most important information that your market research will need to gather? Referring to pages 214-225 of your prescribed textbook, which of the 8 data collection tools (refer to Figure 7.4 on page 214) would you use to help you gather this information? For those tools that you choose, how would you use them? Be specific. For example, if you opt for focus groups or a survey, what specific questions would you ask and why? (approximately 1000 words). This question is worth 20 of the 50 marks on offer.


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