The essay must be turned in to me. You must also prepare and submit an essay outline and bibliography on March 4, 2016,in order to formulate your topic, create a research plan, and receive critical feedback and suggestions, all of which will facilitate th



In order to formulate your topic, create a research plan, and receive critical feedback and suggestions, all of which will facilitate the completion of the essay project. Late submissions of the outline and bibliography will receive comments, but no grade. The outline and bibliography are worth 5% of your final grade. The essay is worth 30% of your final grade. Late Penalties: 5% will be deducted each day for essays turned in late. No essays will be accepted after April 13, 2016. Any not received by that date will receive a mark of 0%. Length: 10 pages, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. A cover page is not necessary and does NOT count towards the page minimum. Up to one page of bibliography can count towards the page minimum. 

Citations: Citations must be in footnotes, not in text. You WILL lose marks if you refuse to follow this instruction. These citations must include page numbers. If you do not know how to use footnotes in your word processor, ask me. The number of footnotes should average out to at least three per page. Evaluation: The essay is worth 30% of your total grade. It will be marked out of 60:-5 points for structure (e.g. does it have an introduction and conclusion; does it have clear thesis; do ideas and paragraphs flow logically)-5 points for writing style: this includes spelling, grammar, clarity, conforming to the correct citation style (footnotes)-25 points for appropriate research effectively and correctly used and cited.-25 points for the argument: is it effective, convincing, logical, supported by your research and by the ancient texts you use.

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