The explanation of this method should include the principles on which the method is based, a purpose of the method, requirements for application, and basic diagnostics, where applicable.

computer science


Decision Tree

full analysis of a question based on a dataset, a brief executive summary of the analysis, explaining the analysis, and R code for the analysis.

The explanation of this method should include the principles on which the method is based, a purpose of the method, requirements for application, and basic diagnostics, where applicable.  


Questions to be answered

1, Data definitions explained                                                     

2, Appropriate exploratory data analysis performed                       

3, Research question presented                                                                              

4, Method for addressing research question explained                 

5, Primary method explained in principle                                                             

6, Application of primary method explained                                       

7, Data satisfaction of requirements of method demonstrated  

8, Primary new method applied and interpreted correctly                           

9, Supporting visualizations provided                                                     




The data pertains to the houses found in a given California district and some summary stats about them based on the 1990 census data. Be warned the data aren't cleaned so there are some preprocessing steps required! The columns are as follows, their names are pretty self explanitory:


1. longitude: A measure of how far west a house is; a higher value is farther west

2. latitude: A measure of how far north a house is; a higher value is farther north

3. housingMedianAge: Median age of a house within a block; a lower number is a newer building

4. totalRooms: Total number of rooms within a block

5. totalBedrooms: Total number of bedrooms within a block

6. population: Total number of people residing within a block

7. households: Total number of households, a group of people residing within a home unit, for a block

8. medianIncome: Median income for households within a block of houses (measured in tens of thousands of US Dollars)

9. medianHouseValue: Median house value for households within a block (measured in US Dollars)

10. oceanProximity: Location of the house w.r.t ocean/sea

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