The fictional app should allow lecturers to post coursework results and communicate securely with individual students.

computer science



Task Your task is to create a design (using pseudo-code or a flow chart) for a fictional USW Cyber App. The fictional app should allow lecturers to post coursework results and communicate securely with individual students. Ensure that you consider the requirements of the task and include all relevant assumptions that you make. For example, should data be sent in plain text? How should users log into the app? How are users created?

Programming Task 

Design and write a program using C++ that allows the user to enter the day number, the month number and the year number, and output the day of the week (e.g. day = 21, month = 9, year = 2020 then output = Monday). You will need to research and create a suitable algorithm / design for this task. Please do not submit a program you find on the Internet or elsewhere - this has very serious consequences (e.g. Academic Misconduct). Test your C++ program with various inputs to ensure that it is working correctly / catches any errors and re-design if necessary. Your program only needs to work correctly for years between 1900 and 2100. Reference any sources used using a comment in the program. 

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