The files contain data extracted from CT scans of the tibia. The files contain four columns

computer science


The file contains bone data files of 8 subjects. 

The files contain data extracted from CT scans of the tibia. The files contain four columns 

1. x coordinate of pixel in mm 

2. y coordinate of pixel in mm 

3. z coordinate of pixel in mm 

4. Bone mineral density of the pixel in g/cm3.

Out of those 8 subjects, there are both able bodied (AB) and spinal cord injured (SCI) suffering from the effects of osteoporosis due to loss of mechanical stimulus. The files are labelled subject01, subject02, ...., subject 08 and are 

The task is to analyse the bone profiles and to determine which subjects are able bodied (AB) and which subjects are spinal cord injured (SCI) and suffering from osteoporosis. 

You shall finally provide a short rationale for each of the 8 choices you have made. 

In order to identify the subjects, carry out bone profiling, such as: 

• Cancellous/cortical bone distribution 

• Wall thickness at diaphysis 

• BMD values at diaphysis/epiphysis 

• Other.

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