The first one, metabolite.txt, contains individual id, age, BMI, sex and circulating levels of hexadecanedioate (a metabolite).

computer science



1.        You find two datasets attached.


-          The first one, metabolite.txt, contains individual id, age, BMI, sex and circulating levels of hexadecanedioate (a metabolite).

-          The second dataset, bp.txt, contains two systolic blood pressure (SBP) readings at two different time-points, for each of the individuals in the first file.

-          You need to do the following:

a.       Merge the two datasets (keeping in mind that each person has two SBP readings at two different time-points)

b.       For each individual, keep only the SBP reading which was measured at the date closest to the date of  the metabolite measurement (you can use the variables age_hexa and age_SBP to pick the correct one)

c.       Define hypertension (HTN) as SBP>140

d.       Create a descriptive table containing the following rows: N (total number of individual), Female:male ratio, number of HTN cases, age (mean,sd), BMI (mean, sd), SBP (mean, sd). Approximate at 2 decimal places

e.       Run the correct model and  answer the following questions providing Beta(SE) and P values or OR(SE) and P values. Approximate Beta and SE at 2 decimal places, P values in scientific notation. Indicate which model you used

·         Is hexadecanedioate associated to SBP?

·         Is hexadecanedioate associated to SBP when adjusting for age, sex and BMI?

·         Is hexadecanedioate associated to HTN?

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