The following data was collected inside a big mal it is required to distribute the air cooling system to have uniform temperature.




The following data was collected  inside a big mal it is required to distribute the air cooling system to have uniform temperature.

[ 80, 85,  78, 76, 75, 80, 81 , 81, 80, 77, 76, 75, 73, 85, 80 79, 77, 76, 72, 73, 78, 86, 79, 72]

A.      write a program to draw the histogram from72 till  86 deg, step of 2 deg.

B.       write a matlab program to calculate the average temperature and standard deviation

C.      Write a matlab program to compute the probability that temperature 85 or more exist in the system,

D.     find the probability that the temperatures 72 or low

E.       find the probability that the temperature in the comfort zone    72<t<76.

g- Do you think the system needs more air condition systems, or the existing unit is enough and need to re-position? And explain your answer


Writ a program to find the integration of the function Y = X5–X3 +2X-9  from X0 = 1 to Xf = 4

And Plots the curve Y(X).


Write a matlab program to Interpolate between the points  X = [ 10  8   6  4],Y= [ 34    56      -10       70   55] Using linear interpolation, spline interpolation,  and plot both of them and display the results.



Write a program to read the salaries of random number of people and average them use 0 as a stopping criteria, assume the salaries.



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