EEL 5741 – Advanced Microprocessor Systems
Project 1: Benchmark Profiling and Processor Architecture
The goal of this project is to use simulator to profile the executions
of different benchmark programs, to analyze the performance of different
computer systems based on such benchmark programs, and to examine the roles of
the compiler.
Project Details
1. Read the Simplescalar Tool Set Document and
understand the Simplescalar architecture. Download and install Simplescalar 3.0
software package on your computer. Study the usage of SimpleScalar simulation
commands sim-fast and sim- profile. Please check
the references at the end of this document.
For each of the following five precompiled benchmarks, namely,,,,, and
Check the outputs. The command lines to use these files are listed as follows:
a) /simplesim-3.0/ ./sim-profile -iclass BenchMarks_Little/
50 9
b) /simplesim-3.0/ ./sim-profile -iclass
BenchMarks_Little/ words <BenchMarks_Little/
c) /simplesim-3.0/ ./sim-profile -iclass BenchMarks_Little/
d) /simplesim-3.0/ ./sim-profile -iclass BenchMarks_Little/
-O 1smt.i
e) /simplesim-3.0/ ./sim-profile -iclass
BenchMarks_Little/ <BenchMarks_Little/
Assuming you have the following two machines with the same cycle time
but different
cycles-per-instruction (CPI) for different instruction groups as
Table 1. CPIs for different types of
First, let System 1 be the reference machine. With the
data you can collect from step 2, compare the performance of these two systems
normalized geometric mean. Use System 2 as the reference machine and redo the
comparison. Discuss your results.
Instruction Types |
Load/Store |
Integer |
Floating Point |
Control Flow and
others |
System 1 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
3 |
System 2 |
1 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
For this part use the C program for matrix multiplication, i.e.,
matmul.c, that computes the production of two matrices Amxn x Bnxk. It takes three input
parameters, i.e., m, n, and k, randomly generates two matrices, and then
computes their product. Compile it with SimpleScalar compiler (i.e., /usr/local/simplescalar/bin/sslittle-na-sstrix-gcc)
with no optimization and with level 2 optimization. Here is an
–O2 –o
-o hello hello.c
The above command compiles C source code Csoursefile.c to the
SimpleScalar binary file with the level 2 optimization
option. Note that the SimpleScalar compiler has the similar input format
as that of gcc. (If you are not familiar with gcc, you should check the details
using the UNIX/Linux manual command, i.e., man gcc.)
a) Let m=n=k=50, simulate the binary files and compare the total
instruction counts.
b) What are the overall CPIs of the computer when running the
optimized and non-
optimized code? Discuss your results.
Optimization Level |
Parameters |
2 |
100-100-100 |
None |
100-100-100 |
2 |
50-50-50 |
None |
50-50-50 |
What/how to hand in
Your report should present your experimental results (with tables and/or
figures) and show your understanding of the contents we discuss in the class by
clearly interpreting these results and/or answering the questions.
A summary section is mandatory that summaries the general observations,
experiences, and conclusions you obtained from this project.
SimpleScalar LLC,
How-to install SimpleScalar on Ubuntu GitHub repository. Here you can
find a
script that installs simplescalar in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
GitHub repository. Here you can find instructions and sources for
bechmarks to work with simplescalar. (
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