The iioverall iiaim iiof iimodern iihuman iiresource iimanagement iiis iito iiensure iithat iithe iiorganization iiis iiable iito iiachieve iiits iiobjectives iithrough iiits iistaff. iiIn iiorder iito iireach iiits iiobjectives iian iiorganization iineeds iinot iionly iiqualified iistaff iibut iialso iieffective iiand iiefficient iisystems iias iiwell iias iiaccess iito iiand iieffective iiallocation iiof iifinancial iiresources. iiInstitutional iidevelopment iitherefore iiinvolves iinot iionly iiputting iithe iiright iiperson iiat iithe iiright iiplace iiat iithe iiright iitime, iibut iialso iithat iithe iiorganization iiprovides iia iiconducive iiand iieffective iiwork iienvironment iiand iisystems iiand iithat iithe iiorganization iihas iiaccess iito iiadequate iifinancial iiresources.
In iiaddition iito iihuman iiresources, iithe iiorganization iineeds iisystems iilike iicomputers iiand iifinancial iimanagement iisystem, iitransport iito iireach iithe iiclient, iimedicines iiin iia iihospital, iibooks iiin iithe iischool, iietc. iiTop iimanagement iimust iireach iia iiharmonious iibalance iibetween iiall iisuch iiresources iiand iipush iiand iipull iifactors.
HRM iiintegrated iiwith iiother iisystems:
HRM iishould iidevelop iiobjectives iifor iiits iiactivities iilinked iito iithe iioverall iiobjectives iiof iithe iiorganization. iiThe iipurpose iiof iidevelopment iiof iiHRM iiobjectives iiis iito iiprovide iia iidirection iifor iithe iiHRM iiactivities iiin iian iioften iiturbulent iienvironment iiso iithat, iion iithe iione iihand, iithe iibusiness iineeds iiof iithe iiorganization, iiand, iion iithe iiother iihand iithe iiindividual iiand iicollective iineeds iiof iiits iiemployees iican iibe iimet iiby iithe iidevelopment iiand iiimplementation iiof iiunderstandable iiand iieffective iiHR iipolicies iiand iipractices.
HR iistrategy:
The iielementary iiquestions iifor iistrategic iiplanning iiare ii“Where iiare iiwe iigoing?” iiand ii“What iido iiwe iineed iito iido iito iiget iithere?”
An iiorganization iineeds iito iihave iia iiclient/recipient iifocus. iiThis iimeans iithat iithe iiorganization iishould iiidentify iiits iiclients/recipients ii(owners, iigovernment iibodies iior iitrustees, iimanagement, iiemployees, iicustomers, iisuppliers iiand iipublic iiat iilarge) iiand iitheir iineeds iiin iiorder iito iiadapt iito iiand iisatisfy iithem. iiAn iiHRM iistrategy iiand
What iiis iiHR iistrategy?
There iiare iia iimultitude iiof iischools iifor iiwhat iian iiHR iistrategy iishould iiideally iicontain. iiOne iisuggestion iiis iithat iian iiHR iistrategy iior iiany iikind iiof iia iistrategy iimust iihave iitwo iikey iielements:
1. iiStrategic iiobjectives, iie.g. iithings iithe iistrategy iiis iisupposed iito iiachieve, iiand
2. iiA iiplan iiof iiaction, iie.g. iithe iimeans iiby iiwhich iiit iiis iiintended iithat iithe iiobjectives iiwill iibe iimet. iiThe iiobjectives iishould iibe iidefined iiin iigeneral iiterms iiof iiwhat iineeds iito iibe iidone iito iisatisfy iithe iiaim iiof iithe iiorganization iiand iithe iiindividual iineeds iiof iiemployees.
Strategy iiis iiobjectives iiand iiaction iiplan
HR iistrategies iiare iisimply iithe iiprocess iiin iibringing iitogether iipeople iiplans iiand iiprogrammers iiof iiactivities iiwithin iian iioverall iiframework, iidesigned iito iideliver iiagainst iiorganizational iiobjectives. iiThe iiprocess iiof iistrategy iiformulation iiis iithe iiprocess iiby iiwhich iimany iidifferent iiperspectives iicome iito iibe iireconciled. iiThe iiimage iibelow iiillustrates iithat iiHRM iiis iidirectly iilinked iito iithe iicore iibusiness iiof iia iiministry iiwith iithe iifunction iiof iiproviding iiadequate iihuman iiresources. iiDoing iiso, iiHRM iiis iiindirectly iisupporting iiachievement iiof iithe iiorganizational iiobjectives iiof iithe iiministry.
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