The key topics which you should include in your report on the effectiveness of work and organisation at Ubisoft are:



Part 1 – You should prepare a 1200 word report on the topic of the effectiveness of work and organisation at the French game company Ubisoft. 


Your task is to research the effectiveness of work and organisation at Ubisoft using good quality academic and journalistic sources. Please see the links in the assessment section of MOODLE where there are articles on work organisation, leadership, culture, teamwork and inequality at Ubisoft.


You should consider a range of views and seek to integrate them into a coherent argument. This may be informed by good quality journalistic sources but, more importantly, you must also show considerable evidence of using good quality ‘peer reviewed’ journal articles. 


The key topics which you should include in your report on the effectiveness of work and organisation at Ubisoft are:




1.     organisational context


·      The impact of globalisation. 



2.    The whole organisation


·      The rational and social organisation, 

  • Power and politics
  • Governance, organizational Culture and organisational leadership 



3.    Groups and Teams


·      Groups and teams


4.    The Individual Level


  • Motivation and job design




You will not need to draw on all organisational behaviour theories that you read but should select instead those which are most applicable to Ubisoft. It is more important to show knowledge of key debates within the literature on organisational behaviour, to be critical in your writing and to ensure a good level of integration and coherence than to include all theories. Please work on the level of criticality and the coherence and flow of your report. This will require effective discussion and debate. 





Part 2 – Reflection on group work (900 words)


In part 2 you should write a 900 word reflection on your experience of group work. This would ideally be based on your experiences as a group member in this module within seminars but could include a consideration of group activities in other modules or in work experience. Do not just describe your experience of working in a group but situate your reflection within the wider literature on groups and teams.



To assist you with this you should use a theory of reflective practice such as Kolb’s learning cycle. Themes that you may explore include:


       Difference between a group and a team

       Team roles

       Balance of team roles

       Stages of group formation

       Asch effect and Groupthink

       Group dynamics, including unconscious group dynamics

       Were you a pseudo team? Potential team? Real team? High performance team?

       Leadership of the team


The emphasis should be on a critical evaluation, not on self-promotion. Try to identify strengths and weaknesses, and areas for personal development informed by the literature on groups and teams.





Part 3 - Personal Reflections on Employment (900 words)


You should write a reflection on what you have learned about the nature of employment in undertaking the People and Organisations module. In this reflection, you should make reference to any organisational behaviour literature that is relevant. You may address the following key themes in your analysis



1.    What types of organization would most engage and motivate you? Why would you be more productive in these organizations? Compare and contrast with other organisations where you would be less engaged and productive. You might in your reflections draw on the literature on leadership, classical, human relations and contemporary approaches to organisational behaviour, culture, motivation, or teamwork. 

2.    You might also reflect on how the literature on identity, personality and emotions relate to your experience of work

3.    What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to employment? 

4.    How will you address your weaknesses? What targets will you set for your development?



Please note that a significant amount of the marks are awarded on the basis of wider reading, referencing, academic integrity and academic writing conventions. Please read the assessment criteria below:





See section on assessment criteria for the weighting of marks


Due date / time: Deadline: 14th December 2020





Assessment criteria:


In assessing HR4003 we will use the following criteria:


Part 1:


1.    Effective analysis undertaken within the report informed by organisational behaviour literature appropriate to the case. (20%)

2.    A well-structured and organised report involving cogent argument in line with academic convention (10%)

3.    Wider reading in the report involving both seminal and contemporary articles/ books (5%)

4.    Accurate and effective use of citations and references in the report (5%)


Part 2:

5.    Effective reflection on groupwork informed by literature on groups and teams (15%) 

6.    A well-structured and organised reflection on groupwork (5%)

7.    Wider reading evident in reflection on groupwork (evidenced through use of literature on groups and teams) to inform reflections (5%)

8.    Accurate and effective use of citations and references in the reflection on group work (5%)

Part 3:


  1. Application of academic concepts and models to reflection on employment (15%)
  2. Presentation and organisation of reflection on employment (5%)
  3. Wider reading evident in reflection on employability (5%)
  4. Referencing in reflection on employment (5%)


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