The maximum word count for your answer to section B is 1000 words. The word count does not include reasonable footnotes and bibliography.



Instructions to candidates:


1. Answer Section A and only one question from section B. 2. Read each question carefully and ensure that you answer the question asked. 3. Support your answers with references to relevant academic commentary (for example, journal articles and books) and legal authority (for example, caselaw, legislation, provisions of the Irish Constitution and provisions of international instruments such as the European Convention on Human Rights). 

  5. All answers should be in your own words and all sources relied upon in your answers should be cited in accordance with the Harvard referencing style.

 6. Your answers must be type-written (1.5 line spacing/12 point Times New Roman font). 7. The maximum word count for your answer to section A is 1000 words.

The word count does not include reasonable footnotes and bibliography.

8. The maximum word count for your answer to section B is 1000 words. The word count does not include reasonable footnotes and bibliography.

 9. It is a requirement that you engage in critical evaluation of the law (that you form an opinion on the law, its effectiveness, how just it is, how it works in practice, whether it has any logical flaws etc), and that you do some independent research on your topics (case law/journal article references from outside your notes). 

10. You must include the cover page (provided below) and the form A1 (also provided below) with your answers and submit the cover page, your answers and the form A1 as one word document.

 11. You must then submit an electronic copy of this word document via turnit in prior to the deadline outlined above.  

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