The module will be assessed based on 100% coursework (CW), which is divided into two equally weighted items: written report (CW1) and lab assessment (CW2).

computer science


Business Intelligence

Semester 1


Summary of Module Assessment


The module will be assessed based on 100% coursework (CW), which is divided into two equally weighted items: written report (CW1) and lab assessment (CW2).


CW 1 - Report [50%]

Students are required to produce a knowledge management strategy for a fictitious organization struggling with BI understanding and implementation. Students will submit this strategy (in the form of a technical report) via Blackboard Learn.


CW 2 - Practical skills assessment [50%]

Students are required to design and implement a simple knowledge-oriented system. Students will provide a demonstration of their prototype during Week 11/12 of the module.


During Week 6 students will have the opportunity to discuss their ideas with the Lecturer for formative feedback, this will help them shape the strategy before formal submission in Week 10 (feed forward approach).


Students will be provided with detailed individual feedback via online marking, an assessment rubric will be applied for grading purposes, this will be given to students in Week 1 so they can self-assess their contribution.


Feedback for the course will be provided in a timely manner, not exceeding three weeks from the submission deadline.



·         A 1-page report proposal including data description, scope and plan should be submitted to the BBL by 23:59 pm on Tuesday 22/10/2019.


·         A copy of the report combined with a coversheet as a single file, along with any additional supporting material, such as data, sketches, designs, and presentation slides, should be submitted to the Assessments folder on BBL by 23:59 pm on Friday 29/11/2019.


·         The report must have a maximum length of 11 pages A4, using Arial or Cambria font with a font-size 12 single line spacing. This should include references that should be on one page maximum and use the Harvard Style.


·         Demonstration of a prototype BI System (Weeks 11 and 12 in the lab).

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